2024 Festival

PostpartumPeace App


Bradley Bachmeier, Olivia Donald, Melissa Morin, Vanessa Alexander


We're using an app to provide new parents with a multifaceted support system. The app is designed to focus on a variety of needs, both online and in person. The app will include a chat forum designed to connect and engage with other birthing parents, as it can be helpful to relate to others who are also experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety. The forum will be monitored to promote a safe and authentic environment. In addition, there are free weekly group video sessions and private counselling services.

Anonymous User:

Wow, this is a wonderful idea! There is still such a stigma and/or lack of knowledge surrounding postpartum depression but having an app like PostpartumPeace could make information on it as well as help a lot more accessible.

Anonymous User Replied:

^Cont'd. If you’re willing to, I would recommend proposing this as a Capstone project for Computer Science students since you have a solid plan already!